[Elixir Tip] Add a HTML Wysiwyg Editor To Phoenix LiveView

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[Elixir Tip] Add a HTML Wysiwyg Editor To Phoenix LiveView

Published on Apr 11, 2022 by Seungjin Kim


Watch how it works here: https://www.loom.com/share/8d4a1b56ea76474c95bfaf177c1cfbb9

Using Trix as a HTML Editor Wysiwyg tool for editing text, on Phoenix LiveView.

Yeah, yeah.. it’s trivial, but it’s so cool still! I dunno why it’s so cool! But it feels so cool!

Wanna try it? Get the code here: https://github.com/lovebes/editor_liveview

It’s basically vanilla Phoenix (plus HEEX formatting via ‘mix format’) add adjusted code from this blog post: https://componentx.co.uk/blog/adding-trix-to-liveview.